Community Involvement Center
– Las Vegas
We work in collaboration with a variety of community partners to provide services to under deserved and indigent populations including criminal justice diversion, opiate medication-assisted treatment referrals, and child welfare diversion programs.
Programs Offered at CIC – Las Vegas
The Community Involvement Center (CIC) is our hub that provides an access point for clients to receive a variety of referral sources into any of WestCare’s continuum of care services. At the CIC, initial assessments are conducted to diagnose illness and provide treatment recommendations.
Partial Hospitalization Program
Provides intensive treatment without requiring an overnight stay. Partial hospitalization offers more time in treatment than a standard outpatient program.
Intensive Outpatient
Intensive Outpatient programming is offered 9+ hours a week. Offered in intensive outpatient is individual and group counseling, education classes and relapse-prevention curriculum.
Outpatient programming is offered 1-3 hours a week as an aftercare service. Most clients have either completed a residential program or do not require more intensive services through residential.
Fatherhood F.I.R.E. (Family-Focused, Interconnected, Resilient, Essential) is designed to provide education and training, linkage to resources, and provided fathers opportunities to positively interact with their children.
Transitional Living
Provides a place where individuals can learn the necessary skills to transition back into the community and be self-sufficient. Our goal is to empower wellness and hope through supportive care, advocacy, and recovery-focused skill development.
Community Involvement Center – Las Vegas
Address: 323 North Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-385-3330
Hours: Monday – Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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Insurances Accepted
No insurance - no problem! We have a Nevada State Welfare Outreach Enroller onsite and can get uninsured persons connected with benefits the same day services are requested. We will not turn anybody away due to an inability to pay.